China’s Space Station Ban!

July 30, 2021 0

The International Space Station is the finest example of international collaboration. But China has never been allowed to join the ISS program despite the large amounts of money and technical knowledge they would bring. This […]

How China’s Mass Surveillance Works!

July 28, 2021 0

Imagine a world where everything you do, from meeting your friends to using a public toilet is recorded. Based on your actions ranging from what you buy to where you go, you are given a […]

The Secret Soviet Plan to Crush NATO in 7 Days!

July 16, 2021 0

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, also called the North Atlantic Alliance, is an intergovernmental military alliance between 28 European and 2 North American countries. The organization implements the North Atlantic Treaty that was signed on […]

KILLER ASTEROIDS – Space Documentary!

July 14, 2021 0

Killer Asteroids Space Documentary NASA’s WISE mission has tracked down 93 percent of the 1 kilometer diameter or larger asteroids whose size could devastate our planet. The project’s asteroid census has revised the total number […]

Top 10 Biggest Naval Bases in the USA!

July 11, 2021 0

The United States has by far the strongest military in the world, with the responsibility to maintain the defense of America and its allies and provide peacekeeping forces all over the world. The United States […]