Sputnik and the Crisis That Followed

President Eisenhower and Harold Stassen

President Dwight D. Eisenhower meets with Harold Stasson, a special assistant who was largely responsible for drafting the Open Skies proposal, in the Oval Office on March 22, 1955.

Laika in Sputnik

The dog Laika was a passenger on Sputnik 2.

Sputnik 1 launch

Launch of Sputnik 1. Baikonur, USSR.

Soviet announcement of intention to launch a satellite

Announcement of their intention to launch an earth satellite during the International Geophysical Year by the Soviets at the Legation of the USSR, in Copenhagen, Denmark, on August 1955, shortly after the Americans announced their intentions to launch a satellite. Left to right: Vereschetin, Mr. Sannikov-Soviet State Security; Professor Kyrill F. Ogorodikov, Astronomy, Leningrad University; Leonid Ivanovich Sedov, Specialist in mechanics, USSR Academy of Sciences.

Sputnik 1

Sputnik I.

Isaac Newton, in his landmark 1687 scientific work Philosophiae Naturalis
Principia Mathematica, wrote,”If a leaden cannon ball is horizontally
propelled by a powder charge from a cannon positioned on a hilltop, it
will follow a curving flight path until it hits the ground