The Briefcase Affair

November 24, 2007 0

One of the mysteries is Amelia Earhart’s briefcase. A Marine in World War II claims he discovered the briefcase in a safe in the war zone during the invasion at Garapan, Saipan. […]

Biography of Amelia Earhart

October 28, 2007 0

Amelia Earhart endures in the American consciousness as one of the world’s most celebrated aviators. Amelia remains a symbol of the power and perseverance of American women, and the adventurous spirit so essential to the American persona. […]

Amelia Earhart as an Aviator

September 9, 2007 0

Amelia’s flying accomplishments proved influential to American pilots and pilots of the world alike. She was a creative impulse within the Ninety-Nines organization, and a stimulus for womankind to replace outdated social norms. […]

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