Last week, Carrie Rengers, Reporter with The Wichita Eagle Newspaper, interviewed Carl Chance, Editor/Publisher of Wings over Kansas and Wings over the World. To read the full article, click here.
The newspapers interest in contacting Chance came from the fact that in the latter part of 2016, the Google Analytic site stats for Wings Over The World (WOW) had gained a large Russian influence in audience percentages. Actually, the Russians were #1 in the Statistical listings registering at 44.06% of the audience with the United States #2 at 23.75% in audience. Other countries made up the balance of the share. This was a first where another country had outranked the U.S.A. in in these stats.
Chance believes that because the content of the website WOW focus’s on “National and International Aviation & Aerospace Articles & Video’s,” the Russians were drawn to that content. Chance’s parent site, Wings Over Kansas (WOK) “Celebrates Aerospace History, Education, News and Aviation Pioneers,” mostly of interest to Wichita and Kansas Aviation aficionados, however all 50 States are visitors daily to the site.
Chance stated that all countries are welcome to the sites, he is confused by the sudden elevated interest in the Russian audience and wonders if the political climate has had a major influence on the phenomenon of late. That seems to possibly have had a bearing on the activity. Chance would be interested in learning the basis of the sudden interest from either the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Washington D.C., and/or from the Foreign Intelligence Service of theRussian Federation, but that may never happen.
Chance’s website are managed and hosted by Ascential Digital Marketing.