Today in Aviation History April 26

April 26, 2017 0

Judy Robus gives is a rare look at some historic events and aircraft that occurred on this date. Featured are, the XP-63A, the North American XP-86, the Aeronica Chief and the Yakov Yak-130.

Las Vegas Photo Flight: Phenom 300

April 23, 2017 0

Behind the scenes on a photo flight by Jessica Ambats of Wayne Gorsek, founder & CEO of, and his Embraer Phenom 300 over the Las Vegas Strip.

Top 10 Aviation Mysteries

April 17, 2017 0

The skies can be an enigmatic place. counts down our picks for the top 10 most interesting mysteries in aviation.

Nighttime Takeoff in a KC-135 Cockpit

April 16, 2017 0

Step inside the KC-135 cockpit at McConnell AFB, Wichita to see and hear what an average takeoff is like. Matt Riedl of the Wichita Eagle shot the video. McConnell was participating in a historic overnight […]

Today in Aviation History April 15

April 15, 2017 0

Judy Robus gives us a look at some historic events that happened on this day, April 15th. First shown is the B-29, first built leaving the plant at Boeing Wichita. The following aircraft shown are […]

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